As you all know, Howard Shore received an honorary doctorate from the Berklee College of Music this past week and guest conducted the orchestra at the school's commencement ceremony. Jill Smith played French horn in the orchestra, and has kindly sent in her impressions of working with Shore. Enjoy!
Myself and 60-70 other Berklee students, faculty and Boston Conservatory students were privileged to have the honor of working with Howard Shore for the past two days. Mr. Shore came in to work on Naked Lunch with us on Thursday and as soon as he walked on stage he was ready to get down to business. We started from the beginning of the Main Title and worked our way through until Mr. Shore stopped us to correct the errors that were made. He never yelled or made bitter comments and when he had something to say about the performance, he was always very encouraging towards the players, saying for example, “not quite strings, but it’s getting there, it’s getting there” with a smile. He always complimented each section when they showed their strengths and he made sure that the audience recognized the players before and after the performance of Naked Lunch on Friday evening. Mr. Shore was a wonderful conductor to work with; better than any conductor I’ve ever worked with to this day. He was very encouraging, his conducting was very easy to follow, he always stopped to polish the music as much as he could, and he really cared about every note. That’s something to be highly appreciated in a day where much film music is the result of sequenced notes simply entered into a program.
Guest Blogger #1: Jill Smith, Berklee College of Music
As you all know, Howard Shore received an honorary doctorate from the Berklee College of Music this past week and guest conducted the orchestra at the school's commencement ceremony. Jill Smith played French horn in the orchestra, and has kindly sent in her impressions of working with Shore. Enjoy!
Myself and 60-70 other Berklee students, faculty and Boston Conservatory students were privileged to have the honor of working with Howard Shore for the past two days. Mr. Shore came in to work on Naked Lunch with us on Thursday and as soon as he walked on stage he was ready to get down to business. We started from the beginning of the Main Title and worked our way through until Mr. Shore stopped us to correct the errors that were made. He never yelled or made bitter comments and when he had something to say about the performance, he was always very encouraging towards the players, saying for example, “not quite strings, but it’s getting there, it’s getting there” with a smile. He always complimented each section when they showed their strengths and he made sure that the audience recognized the players before and after the performance of Naked Lunch on Friday evening. Mr. Shore was a wonderful conductor to work with; better than any conductor I’ve ever worked with to this day. He was very encouraging, his conducting was very easy to follow, he always stopped to polish the music as much as he could, and he really cared about every note. That’s something to be highly appreciated in a day where much film music is the result of sequenced notes simply entered into a program.
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