Soon to be in Lucerne, Switzerland in bed.
Updates when mental powers return.
[Friday night, 11:45 p.m. Lucerne time...]
I've been out of touch, so I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but please be on the lookout for John Howe in the audience tomorrow evening. I'm just in from a late dinner and at the end of a 50-plus hour consciousness bender, so I'm off to bed. I'll address emails and updates as soon as I'm able.
It's staggeringly beautiful here, by the way.
[Saturday night / Sunday morning... I think it's like 3:38 a.m., but honestly I just don't know anymore]
I like my life. :)
[Sunday night / Monday morning 3:15 a.m.]
Hi all,
I'm exhausted, but my mind won't let me sleep. I'm going to continue trying, but the alarm is slowly sneaking up on me. Perhaps sleeping on the plane(s) tomorrow will be easier at this rate.
In short, however, it's truly been the most amazing of weekends. I'm extraordinarily appreciative of everyone that helped make these days so special. By the middle of this coming week, I should hopefully have enough brain power to begin posting some full reports... including pics, audio and possibly video. I hope I can share some of the excitement.
But for now, I'm going to try to close my eyes and try to block the amazing images that keep my mind from resting. I don't want to, but I'm certain I'll always carry them with me, so I'm not worried.
[Tuesday, 3:39 p.m.]
Back in Chicago now. Lucerne overview/wrap-up coming soon. You may want to take a look at the posting above this, in the meantime. :)